Thursday, June 14, 2007

First time flops !!!

These are a few activities i tried and it flopped at the first time :

1) Playing circket
Mu Ha Ha Ha !!!! I still remember this day and laugh at it... It happened when i was in 2nd std. That is when i played cricket for the first time! I was playing with my cousins and my brother. The game went on for about an hour before i got my turn to bat [ The moment i was waiting for]. I held the bat with all pride and took my position in front of the wickets. My brother was the bowler and one of my cousins was the wicket keeper. I stood with my bat in position... My brother takes a long run and throws the ball at top speed... Glady takes a keen look at the ball and waits to hit it..... The ball approaches and Glady swings her bat with all the force...oops !!! The momentum of the bat to too much for Glady to withstand, the bat pulls Glady along !!! lol !!! Galdy turns along with the bat 270 degrees ...and dhaaad.. the bat hits her cousin....Soooo saad, my cousin s teeth broke and more sad is she was younger than me !!! paapa.... It was such a horrifying experience and i vowed i m not going back to cricket again.....

2) Playing volley ball
Another frightening experience ! I was in 7th when i played volley ball for the first time... I m not a very physicially strong person. If i hit the ball it wouldn t cross the net !! So, my great friends made me stand in the defenders position !! Oh! my God !! I was so dumb that i agreed to stand there. It was the first hit/throw... The ball came directly to my face.. I did nt know what to do nor did i know how to hit... I jumped from that place and somehow escaped the ball. Now, it was second throw... n again i was standing helpless.... With all the determination i strengthened my hand and planed to hit.. that was when a friend thought of coming to my rescue.. She came running to hit the ball and i was ready too... Damar !! Both of us hit each other and the ball flies another direction.... I fell big time... Broke my braces ( i had them for 4 yrs) and had brusies on my elbow and my knee, bumped my head to the ground too....aah !!! I couldn t move my hand for the next 1 week.... What a ghastly experience !! And as ever, i did nt get back to that game again.....

Many more to come......


shivani said...

moral of the story:never try ur hand at anything remotely related to sports...he he!!

Glady said...

hey, i have played taluk level matches da... i m an athlete...